Thursday, October 23, 2008

Quiz, scarf

Good morning. As you may know I have THE worlds WORST memory, horrible! A friend of mine sent me a Facial Recognition quiz through BBC and I really enjoyed doing it and did pretty ok! There are 2 parts and I scored 95% and 78%. Basically, you are shown 2 sets of 12 people 5 minutes apart. Then 5 minutes later you are shown 48 people and have to decide if they were in group A, group B or not at all. You are scored on 1 - if you recognized if they were/were not in the groups and 2 - which group they were in. Go try it if you have a bit of time, very interesting.

Click here for the test.

I frogged out the homespun hat that I was working on for my brother and it is now about 3 inches long of stockinette scarf. This is working much better for some reason, we'll see how far a skein will get me and go from there. The only reason I got so far is that I forgot mom's sweater front at home and had to knit SOMETHING during lunch yesterday! I remembered the sweater front today.

I did some cleaning out of the stash the other night and listed 4 boxes of yarn (small boxes, I'm not crazy) on ebay. I will also put together a box of RedHeart in cakes this weekend. My stash was completely out of control and I am trying to rein it in, mostly because of the guilt over getting sewing stuff. I am holding true to the "it can't come in unless something else goes out". I'll probably take a look at purging some books soon too, but I'm not sure.

Well, that's it from me, have a great day.

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