Not my kid, so I'm not putting a pic up here of the rest of her. Suffice it to say she's all cute and happy with her new socks which she says "Are Soo comfortable". Score one for the handknit sock side. However, she is in the process of crocheting her very own pair of socks. I have crocheted a pair of socks. I dont like them because they are more like slipper socks, and not the kind of socks you'd wear in shoes. I like my socks to live in shoes, thus dislike crocheted socks. I'm sure that there exists a pattern out there that uses actual sock yarn and a hook to create shoe-abiding socks... I just have not yet found this magical, mythical thing.
Report card. Yeah, that time of year again. My child did much better this year than ALL of last year which is good. Here's the low-down:
In the following categories, he got an S (satisfactory): names/sounds/pictures of letters, number recognition, penny counting, handwriting (letters), Bible memory verses, respecting teacher, respecting students, cooperative, knowing days of week, knowing months of year, knowing birthday, attequate attention span, finishes required tasks, works well in group.
In these he got an S- (needs improvement): Observes class rules & works without disrupting others.
The teacher wrote: Jacob is a blessing to me. I would like to see improvement in his classroom behavior. I'm sure as he matures this will disappear.
He also got a Super Star certificate for being kind.
Wasn't that just great! Please compare this to last years report card: http://mycrochetspot9.blogspot.com/2006/06/wednesday.html
We will continue to work on this, and even though there were a lot of other categories that he would be S in (like knowing his phone number, and tying his shoes) they dont test this time - maybe next 9 weeks.
Updates: Well, Travis' team at work gave Sean a hand-crocheted baby blanket - thank you to them. I didnt take a picture because I forgot. It is living on the top bunk with his other 3 baby blankets and the onsie and hat we got him at Disney. The other stuff is living at my in-laws place.
Mom's sweater has a back, 2 sleeves and about 1/2 a front. Then the collar and the sewing-up bit. Dad's sock has about half the foot done. Then another sock for Tracie, Dani and Dad. I'd really like to make a sweater for Jake, we'll have to see how it goes.
Babyville: The baby's hearing continues to develop.
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