Jake made the Principal's Honor Roll! YAY! I forgot to bring his report card with me to work but here is what I remember:
a+ or O (for Outstanding) - Phys Ed, Spanish, Computer & Music.
A - Phonics, spelling, math, Bible & reading.
S (86 or a B) - writing.
So, we went to Pizza Hut to celebrate. While we were there I saw an opportunity to take a pic, unbitten, of 1/2 of Sean's teeth:
Then we went home and got ready for bed, Sean wearing his new "I Love My Mummy" jammies:
And finally, as promised, a picture of the current sock in progress. This was this morning as it sits, untouched, by the kitchen table. Poor, sad, little sock:
Currently I have been kicked out of the conference room (and teevee viewing area) by our auditors so I'm here, talking to you and about to work on more stripey things on Mom's Jacket, which is on my lap. I am so excited this will be another DONE gift, but note to self... next time dont do ANYTHING with so many ends to weave in!
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