Friday, September 15, 2006

Not a good day

Last night I was up a few times trying to remember why i was getting dressed at 12:38 in the morning while Travis was sound asleep - hallucinations. Sleep was rotten and often interrupted my the cat. I swear I'm gonna lock him in the laundry room with his food and litter box so he wont keep waking me up.

(warning: LOTSA whining here)
In yesterday's mail I got a comforting note from my Insurance company. I had known that the hospital that is closest to me was no longer going to be covered by my ins (along with 12 others in the Bay area). But, I my docs office told me that because of being pregnant they do a transistion of care thing so that I can go anyway. And that is almost correct - if I were less than 3 months from delivery, gave birth less than 6 weeks ago or were a moderate or high risk pregnancy then I could still go there. I have 3 months and 24 days to go, I am not moderate or high risk (since we know little Sean is in my uterus) so I am screwed. I called the docs office to find out what other hospital they go to and there is one. Yay. It's in Plant City. Oh. But that's only 10 miles away. yay. But it's affiliated with one of the few hospitals in town that I wont go to. Oh. But it's NOT that hospital and I wouldnt have to go there unless Sean needed level 3 nicu. yay. But it's in Plant City.
(As an aside for those of you not from here, Plant City is the Strawberry capital of at least Florida and possibly the Milky Way. They have LOTS of strawberry fields, horses and state parks. Its a pretty small town compared to the rest of the Bay area, and the parts I've seen are dusty. The people I've heard from there say City like the Pace Commercials where they say "New York City!". It's not a bad thing, just different. Very different.)

Big BUT, at least I dont have to change doctors 22 weeks in. Because that would suck ass. Moving on.
(Whining over. Thank you.)

I took Gnombert on a field trip to Dave's office. Dave is our Marketing director and a big Gators fan (we like him anyway). He has a book shelf full of all manor of Gator and RV parafanaila (we ARE in the RV Industry after all), so I thought Gnombert would like to play over there in Daveland. Here's what it looked like (we all know that blogger hates me, and now that it's in cahoots with photbucket I'm pretty screwed, so please click.)(sorry.)(not suprised.):

Gnombert checks out the RV.

Go Gators!

My hat won't fit in this cart, I think I need another.

Here's to hoping today gets better. Cheers.

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