Well, sort of. It would be a gnomnapping if there had been actual trickery involved. For this, uh, psuedo - gnome visitation, when we were packing up the room to leave on Sunday and I put gnombert in my knitting bag - so he feels at home with the yarn. She checks on him, to make sure he's ok and happy, then we leave. We stopped at the Outlet Mall - because they have a Mommy Store - and I didnt want to leave him in the car since it was gonna get hot, so he came with us in my purse. Then she took me home, and we forgot to take him out. Well, she forgot to take him out, and I wasnt sayin nothin!
Here's what he's been up to:
Red Lobster on Sunday because I sure as heck wasnt cooking!

Helping unpack at the Office on Tuesday:

Playing hide and seek on my desk:

Playing with the Pen Pony from Damarys' desk:

I'm sure that he will have more fun in the days to come, and I'll show you that too.
In Babyville: A heartbeat can be heard without specialized listening equipment. Real hair and toenails are beginning to grow. Baby continues to urinate and drink amniotic fluid which is exchanged every 3 hours.
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