The brain is rapidly developing. Fatty sheaths that transmit thought are forming. Eating protein is very important to help develop this.
23 wks LMP - Baby weighs 1.10 lbs or 501 grams and is 11.38 inches or 28.9 cm long.
Meconium, the baby's first stool is developing. You'll see a lot of this come out after the baby is born.
On a side note, not in the calendar - these contractions (Braxton Hicks) are making me crazy. Every time I get up to walk or stand I'm getting them. It's not that they hurt, but they are uncomfortable sometimes and so often - Kerry says I have an irratable Uterus. I am an irratabe Mommy, that's for sure! Here's me on Saturday in my cute new Mommy shirt:

Here are a few pics from the yarn shop, also on Saturday:

Tell me that is not the most adorable! I so want to do that to something in my house! (you know, i'm hating blogger right back!) - this is me talking to mom to get directions to the yarn shop, er shops. SHH!
and this is trying to figure out how many times 3 goes into 51 - and hence how many stitches to put on each dpn for Tracie's Christmas socks. Math, it burns.
and where the very nice knitter from the beautiful Sip and Knit made me realize I knitted wrong. Whoops!
And a few more from Convention:

This is the lady staff, with me on the end - that's probably the best baby pic I have from that week - that'd was 21 weeks.
And Gnomebert standing on a blinky ice cube that's not blinking. NO I did not put him there!
That's it for now. That's really enough, now isnt it?
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