Let's see whats going on... I had my 3 hour fasting glucose test yesterday, it was long and painful, I have 2 puncture marks on each arm as souviners. Joy. I had Damarys take a pic but you cant really see them. Oh well. During my doctors office confinement I got the cuff and a few rounds of my birthing socks done. I'm using an actual pattern it's called a waffle rib. 3 rows of k2p2 rib then 1 row of purl. I like how it looks, I love the colors. It's been a bit difficult for me since I am not a fan of ribbing since it involves paying attention, but it looks nice. Here's it so far:

I should find out either tomorrow or Friday the results of my test. I hope I studied hard enough... gestational diabetes sucks.
Tonight is crochet group, I have purposly been not working on Sean's hoodie, because I wanted to have something to work on there. Let me see if I can remember what I have done - back, 2 fronts and 1.5 sleeves I think. I have 1 sleeve connected to 1 front, and I think that's as far as I've gotten. I should be able to finish the other sleeve tonight, and stitch most or all of it together. Once thats done I'll work on the hood. Tracie's got the idea to make it as a rectangle, stitching the top long side together to make the hood and stitching the bottom to the top of the jacket. Hopefully that will work. Otherwise I will have to look at some of the other patterns out there for them. I have been writing down this pattern as I go, and will post it later on - hopefully. We see how well that worked for the sock!
Saturday is the craft fair at Jake's school. It was so good last year, I really hope that we do as well this year! It's always such a great turnout, which is suprising since it's a pretty small school, and even smaller church! But hey, thats all good! Saturday evening is Tracie and I's b-day party. Should be lots of fun, the high is only supposed to be like 77, so we will easily be able to accomodate a bon-fire. yippee.
Oh, on the way home yesterday I saw this: http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a250/brandeekins/trainingwheels.jpg. Now I've seen 3 wheel motorcycles, but never a motorcycle with training wheels! I was amused.
Babyville: Sean is getting fatter (because he needs so much help with that... considering his mac-n-cheese belly) and the skin is less wrinkled after filling out.
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