Nothing really on Friday, except I finished Sean's hoodie - I put it on the doll so you could see what it looks like on - I still need to get a zipper put in, then it's ready. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a250/brandeekins/2006_1105Image0005.jpg
Saturday was the craft fair and the duel mine and Tracie's birthday party. I didnt sell much at the craft fair but it was more than my booth cost. Tra did well, selling a shrug and getting a commission for a baby blanket. Kerry sold a dishcloth - but since it was like an all day crochet meeting, it was ok! Then we headed back to my place to get ready for the party. Lots of fun, food and libations were had (not by me - I drank tea). I have some great friends that fed the yarn habit, and Loews card from my Mom to help with building the extra room. My MIL is also giving us Home Depot, and my aunt gave us a Home Depot card for getting them into Disney - they were thrilled! So we've probably gotten about $300 so far toward the project which is wonderful!
Sunday I went shopping at Kohl's and got 2 pairs of pants, 2 pairs of socks and a Bed-In-A-Bag with 2 sheet sets for $112. I was so excited! And I was able to pay cash with the money from the craft fair plus some birthday money. Then to Joann's to get a zipper and a couple other things to use up my gift card there (What's sad is that I still have $2.12 left. That wouldn't be so aad if it werent a $10 gift card! That just means more shopping to come!) Then home, where we had the crappy bucs game and then to Bailey's 1st birthday (a friends little girl): she really REALLY liked her cake!

Babyville: On Friday I am officially in my 3rd Trimester. Sean can make grasping motions and likes to suck his thumb. 30 wks LMP, he weighs 2.91 pounds or 1319 grams and is 15.71 inches or 39.9 cm long!
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