Then on Saturday had more. Gnomebert enjoyed his company, but the pic I took of him with the turkey came out with him blury but the turkey in perfect focus. Guess the camera was hungry too!
I made a lot of progress these past few blogless days.
And then I started on this:

I really wanted to make it out of the green like they have in the pic, but I didnt have any like that... and I wasnt going to go shopping on Saturday for that. Yes, I did go shopping at 5am on Friday, why do you ask? But anyway, I was all done with all my projects and needed something else to work on, so I started this for one of the folks on my Christmas list that I havent been able to figure out what to give. I think she'll like it. Although I do think she'd have liked it in the original color a bit more. Whoops. And also, I am knitting this the right and real way - following directions and everything! It's an endless k4p4 rib that I have been tempted to make disappear on occasion. That picture represents 2 pretty much whole days of knitting. I'll guess thats about 8 or 9 hours worth right there. It's about 4.5 inches so far. That (the back) needs to be 11 before my next set of directions. I'm not exactly thrilled. That's a lot of knitting, and I dont know if I can get it done in 28 days... but I will give it the ole college try. I timed a row, and it takes me 7 minutes - of uninterupted knitting - to do 1 row. I think there's like 36 rows in 4 inches or somethinglikethat. The calculator claims that should have only taken me 4.2 hours. The calculator lies. And also, that timed thing was last night... after doing it over and over and over again for quite a while. I think I'm getting faster at it anyway.
Babyville: 33 wks LMP - Sean weighs 4.23 lbs or 1918 grams and is 17.2 inches or 43.7 cm long. WOW! leaps and bounds, I tell ya!
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