Christmas Eve when we went to my in-laws to open family gifts Sean started complaining about his ear hurting. Ok, gave him some tylenol and off we went. For about the first half hour of being over there he was clingy but otherwise ok. For the next 2 hours he screamed. While we opened presents he screamed, while we ate cheese dip he screamed, while the Wii was getting set up he screamed. Obviously the tylenol was not helping (at this point it had been 3 hours since we gave it to him). So, off we go to the After Hours Pediatric place (which Thank God! was open). 2nd doctor trip in as many days. He has an ear infection and yes it did just come on so the other doctor is not a quack. Yay. Ear drops for pain and antibiotics. He still woke up 5 times during the night (not a fun turn of events this last week) but at least the constant screaming stopped and the drops were helping. He has started eating again and has held most of it down so that is a great thing. He has the sum total of 1 cup of milk since Dr K said to back off it on Wednesday and that cup was last night. I think he's getting better and thats a good thing.
Yesterday we went to my Mom's to open gifts with them and he did pretty good, even participating in the opening (complete 180 from the night before). But, we missed my Grandfather, who is not feeling well at all. Mom loved her sweater and I'd show you a pic but Travis took pics with his camera and hasnt gotten them to me yet. Soon though.
I do have pics to show you of my gift from my Mom. She made me a jean skirt purse. It is So cute!! I put my purse stuff in it this morning. It's lined with a suede-feel fabric and I am using the outside pockets of the skirt for my keys, phone and lip gloss, very handy!
She and I had talked about trying to make one for months, I gave her the handles a while ago and this is what she did with them. I love it! I have 2 pair of jeans at home that are not wearable for different reasons and I want to make bags out of them. That may be a project for the near future.
I dont know if my Grandfather liked his chili pepper bowl but Grandma loved the market bag. I still owe them since only 1 of the pepper bags got done. My MIL said she liked her bowl too. I hope the market bags get used, they are such a great thing.
Now that the holidays are over I will start concentrating on the Dear Jane again, interspersed with a pair of socks I'm about to start and the American Flag Afghan.
No word yet on the submissions, I'll let you know if I hear something. Starting on Monday I'll be out at the fairgrounds for the SuperShow. I will have very limited internet access and probably wont be posting much. If I am not on before hand, have a Safe and Happy New Year!
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