(Please ignore the absolutly flattering photo of me and just look at the hat!) I finished Tyler's hat last night around 9:20 and instead of staying up until 10 to work on mom's sweater I went to sleep. I know it sounds like I spent a lot of time on the hat, bu twe had Jake's Christmas play last night and didnt get home until 8ish, then kids to bed and such so I really only worked on it less than an hour. If I add the hour Monday, lunch yesterday (plus a little "break" in the afternoon) and an hour last night I make that about 3 hours worth of hat. I like how it turned out, fits great - goes over my ears so should on him too.
So, that along with the monkey and yak scarves are making their way up to the tundra to be with my sister and her children. Socks are on the way to my step mom and one other pair going to be with a new home (hope the fit). I am guestimating that I have about 5 hours or so of knitting to do on the other front plus about an hour of finishing on Mom's sweater. I will guess that I've put probably 40 real hours into it (maybe more) and will NEVER knit a SWEATER from SOCK YARN again... no matter how pretty it is! I also have a few more market bags to make and I did get the stuff to make some more fabric bowls - LOVE those thing!
Well thats it for me... back to work. Have a great day!
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