Then Jake and Jason playing with Marley, the puppy (yes, puppy)(I know he's huge, but he's only like 7 months old)
and the squirt gun:
We went to Codys for supper and Jake got an Alien balloon, which Gnombert insisted on taking picture with:
And finally, the knitting bit, ironically without a picture, I've started on a sampler afghan made from the camel colored chenille for Damarys' new place. I will edge it in black, chenille if i can find it, if not, I'll figure out some other fiber. I'm about 5 inches on my first square, it's got 4 stitch cables with 3 stitches in between them all the way across. I got the patterns off the DIY website from one of the Knitty Gritty shows - the one about Aran knitting. Wish me luck, this is fancy schmancy knitting. Knitting even.
But before that gets done, I will start on a comfortghan for a gal I work with who's just been diagnosed with breast cancer. I've asked my crochet-group to donate 12" squares in Simply Soft pinks and cream. If you would like to donate a square, please let me know. I think it will come out nice.
That's really it for now.
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