I gave my grandfather his socks and they fit him well. I teased my mom with her birthday socks because I forgot to take them out of my bag when I went over. I have also been doing well on the Brainless socks and have about 2/3 of the foot done. I have to say that I am nervous about the whole gusset/heel thing but I am looking forward to it. I think it's coming up soon.
I have not spent any real time with my brother's quilt this week and I am disappointed by that. I hope to work on it this week though. It is 8 days late right now and not NEAR done. I did look at Joanns for some fabric for the Convention quilt. I figured out how to show you my screen from EQ so you know my idea:
While we were at my Grandparent's house I took some video that I wanted to share. Sean had found my Grandfather's flashlight and was really enjoying himself playing with it. Off. On. Up. Down. Hey, Look at that thing on the ground, let me get it. Wait a minute, where's it going? I'm gonna chase it! It really was too funny.
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