Yesterday after school, Travis took Jake Fishing. Jake wore Daddy's hat for luck, but thankfully it didn't work since I certainly wasn't going to be cleaning fish. Travis took a pic for "us" to enjoy (he mentioned the blog by name).

As for the quilt, I have decided on light yellow crackle print for the cornerstones and the bottom arrangement. I will play with the borders once I have the rest of the top finished. Also, I didn't realize that the cornerstones would be so hard to put in, maybe I just haven't learned the trick. I could actually READ my copy of Quilting for Dummies, eh?
I am still on the gusset for my grandfather's socks, although I would be further if I had been paying attention when putting sock 1 back on the needles after knitting sock 2's heel turn and picked up the stitches for the gusset. Oh well, it's better now.
I have not dug out the suede yarn because I am lazy. It's MAYBE 2 feet from my bed, on my side even. Sad, sad state of affairs. I really want it done so that I can send the package to the mag instead of just pics becuase I think that if they play with it they will enjoy it more than just looking at pics.
Speaking of purses, I got my order in from Thirty One. I LOVE my skirt purse! Here's a pic of it And yes, that is a ziploc with a sock inside sticking out of the top!

In other news, today I started the Special K Challenge. So far so good, and by the way, Smart Balance fat free milk really does taste like 2%. Yay for small miracles.
That's it for now, have a great day!