Before Santa came to my in-laws house:
Sean getting the hang of this opening thing:
Jake got a guitar from Mommy & Daddy:
And Uncle Jason confisgated it but Jake got to play a little:
Jake and I had to finish up the cookies that Santa left behind. Such a trecherous job... but somebody's got to do it!
Sean stood up and held onto my Grandparent's ottoman, and when it got moved, he stayed standing up - for like 10 seconds! We were thrilled but I just sat there and stared at him. Cliff tried to recreate the scene. It didnt work, he ended up on his butt:
Mom's jacket was a little big but she liked it anyway:
Today finds Jake just fine and playing at his grandparents house, Sean with a yeast infection diaper rash and a head cold, Me and Travis both with a really bad sore throat. Joy to the World. Sean will be 1 in a couple weeks - perhaps we will be better by then? Sigh.
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