He's just so funny! We ate at Raglan Road, where I shared my shephards pie and he liked it!
Saturday was the Christmas tea, and here is what my table looked like (before the plates of goodies came):
I didnt win, but that's ok. It was fun, and we got to see the production of A Christmas Carol, which was great. After the tea we 8 (me, Trav, the boys, Jason & Stacy and the in-laws) packed into the Trail Blazer and headed to Magic Kingdom. It was a nice time, and the castle is beautiful with all the twinkle faerie lights. I'd show you but Travis took those pictures.
Sunday, Jake hung out with the grandparents and Sean and I headed over to my Mom's place to take pics for the Green Armada publicity campaign. They came out pretty good I think, and again since I took the pics with Travis' camera I dont have them here to share. I will as soon as I get them though. Cliff is working with Green Armada now as a captain, and they do great work in cleaning up our waterways. The pics that I took on Sunday were in downtown St Pete, right next to a theater - and boy was it disgusting! Hopefully they are able to raise some money and get companies to sponsor clean-ups. Of course they are always looking for volunteers to do the clean-ups too! It's good work.
I finished my MIL's slipper except for the felting, and I plan to do that tonight. I will make sure to get a picture of a before and after together which will show you just how much it shrinks up when I wash it. I have also started another pair (whoops!) since I had enough yarn leftover. The goal is to get it done by Christmas... wish me luck!
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