Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I finished Fuzzy Feet #3 at lunch today. 1 more to go for the amended Christmas knitting list. Yay! Then I'll try really hard to stop, or at least parlay it into finishing the blue and white sock that is seeping somewhere... the den maybe?

I also mailed off 1 of the 3 packages that will be going out - Sue, be on the look out for yours!

Last night I "wrapped" (love you pretty pre-printed gift boxes) gifts for 3 said packages, plus 2 for my angel kid and one for Jasyline and Mom's jacket. NTS: next year Mom wants a cardigan.

Tonight on the list will be making dinner, doing whites because some people insist on wearing white socks and clean underwear AND clean uniforms for Jake. Also on the list will be starting fuzzy feet #4 while watching Pushing Daisies. Please notice that I said watching, because I am getting better at my knitting and am able to *sporadically* watch and knit at the same time. Yay for progress.

Saturday night is the Disney Christmas party and I make that 3 days in which to get a dress. Perhaps tonight - post dinner, pre tee vee. We'll see.

And finally, Grandma is in the hospital with groin pain (and for those of you, who like me, arent med students, that is the top of the legs and not the bottom of the torso). Docs have ruled out a blood clot which is good, but still leaves questions. Please keep her in your prayers. Thank you. That is all.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Good luck on finishing all of your items......My list will never get done *sigh* thats normal =)

Will keep your Grandma in my thoughts & prayers.