I am pleased at how they turned out, and hopefully the boys will like them too.
As far as Christmas knitting and crocheting goes - I have 1 slipper left and I'm almost to the heel on that. And as far as Christmas in general goes - I have 1 slipper and 1 chocolate cake to go and I'm DONE! I think. Pretty sure anyway.
This weekend went ok I suppose. Saturday we were supposed to go to Disney but Jake got a red face and got sent to the principals office (!!!) for talking across the room to one of his little friends. Not Happy! So, we stayed home and cleaned the house and got it ready for Christmas decorations.
Yesterday He went to my MIL's to clean around there and do some errands. Sean and I went to my Moms to hang out and do some shopping. I had sent her to a garage sale I saw online that advertised yarn and craft items - and she went for me. I should have taken a picture, maybe I'll do that tonigt but $6 got a white garbage bag FULL plus a medium size box full of yarn. Mostly acrylic, some blends - all pretty old but that kind of yarn will be great for chrity work. A lot of blues, and quite a bit of the same of a few different ones, so that's nice. We hung out at her house crocheting (I've gotten her back into it) chatting then we went all over looking for a teapot for me. We didnt find a teapot, but she got 2 sheets, some gift items, chocolate covere cherries and cheese, I got some yarn (shh), gift items for my angel kid, chocolate covered cherries and some fruit roll ups. We went to the Dollar Tree and had a 10% off coupon! Then to celebrate our savings, we went to marble slab next door. Yummmmo. I tried that Michaels for hat sized needles (I need some 8 & 9 16") but only saw clover and I didnt have my coupon. And since I wouldnt pay $9 for a hat needle I left EMPTY HANDED!! I know, the shock! But, at the dollar store I scored about 6 skeins of blue incredible. I think I have a cute tank pattern for it. All in all, lots of fun.
One more pic then it's back to work for me:
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