Yes, I said Yugo. Why did I take a picture of this? Because I found it terribly amusing. I'm easily amused. 
I also learned a lesson:
Dont take pictures through the screen because my camera is better than I think it is.
Moving on.
Here's the quick "weekend(s) in pictures":
Jake taking Sean & I's pic with Pluto (he didnt want to be by Pluto)(yes, he is strange).
Cappa feeding Sean.
Jake not liking the Birthday song... again.
The finished babyghan for Ginger and the yarn "leftover". And by "leftover" I actually mean that the last row of dc's had to be frogged because there wasnt enough and I redid it in hdc's and this is what's left. 5 feet doubled. But it's off in the mail and hopefully Evan will get it today and be snuggly.

And Jake's swim date (I forgot to get the camera out earlier when everyone was there. Whoops!)
Jasyline, Tyler and Jack came over for swimming and gameboy during the storm. Unfortunatly Jack had left when the rain stopped and we got out the watermelon. This is Jake, Jasyline and Tyler enjoying a seed spitting "contest". It was too funny.
Now on to yarn-related stuff:
I have made 6 butterflies, but 1 was confiscated by Jake. I let him take my least favorite. I will be able to get more done by our meeting time, the are great for when I want to work on something that doesnt take thought - like when I have to actually pay attention to tv!
I've done a few rows on the shawl and dont hate it. I've also done a few rounds on the sock, and I really like the baby cable.
And finally, I leave you with this video. We were able to find a Johnny jump-up for Sean at a second hand place for $15. I think this is the best $15 I have ever spent!
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