Monday, July 30, 2007


Sorry, a little excitement escaped!

Only a day and a half until we leave........ :). If you would like to live vicariously through me at Homecoming, go here and look at the calendar of events for it on the left side. Also a trip to the alpaca farm is planned, which I'm pretty excited about too. Lots of fun to be had! Anyway, back to this weekend: Saturday we went to Jasyline's birthday party, lots of fun, and it was a really pleasant day to be outside. Here's a couple pics of that:

Sunday I finished up the 2nd sock, and they are now wrapped and on my dresser ready to go to their new home. And, if the recipient doesnt like them, Damarys says she will take them off her hands. Please notice the matchiness... I was so proud of that!

After finishing these, I did a few rows on the shawl and a few rounds on the other blue sock. This morning I started on the toe of it. That should be done today, and I'll start on second sock while working on the shawl. I will see how productive I am, and if they get done in time, they will go to my Sister for her birthday. I'll see her Wednesday night. Can I make a sock in 2 days? Dont know, but I will give it the ole college try!

And, I have cropped the Sean Clown nose pic for your enjoyment. This is my new desktop theme and makes me laugh everytime I see it. It also makes my co-workers laugh when they visit. So. Funny.

Anyway, I will try to blog tomorrow, and from the chilly north. Cheers.

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