Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A blog. With pictures!

Yesterday I went to a Grammar and Proofreading class. I thought I was pretty good at this English thing, had a good handle on grammar and editing. I. Was. Wrong. Very, very, very wrong. I'm out of time, so here's the pics real quick like:

My tote bag finished- outside and inside:

Pickles, the new bird:

And finally, Sean's new haircut. "Does this haircut make my ears look big?"

Hopefully I'll have the whole 9 blocks of my quilt square together (I have 6 together so far) to show you. That's it for now, more about my crappy grammar tomorrow.

1 comment:

~dani said...

I don't think it makes his ears look big but it sure grew him up from the baby look to the toddler stage that is for sure. My goodness he's gotten big!!!! & handsome I might add :)