I just have to say that I was a little surprised by what they were able to get away with at the Motley Crue concert. Tommy Lee (above, sitting on stage) comes out with this called a Tit E. Cam where he has a handheld camcorder and encourages all the girls he can see to show their stuff. And they did. A Lot of them did. And some of the stuff they were showing on the screens during the songs, naked/mostly naked girl on girl porn pretty much. I'm not easily offended, really. But I was just shocked that they were allowed to do all of that. BOY am I thankful that we didn't let Jake go... although there were quite a few kids there.
On a better note, I was impressed by new band Sixx AM (Nikki Sixx's new band). Not for their music, but their singer and guitarist walked through the venue a couple times right in front of us and were happy to sign autos and take pics. I got one of the singer (I was not going to fight the throng of folks to get a good one), but none of the guitarist... so I stole one off the innernets. Singer guy, guitar guy (doesn't guitar guy have BEAUTIFUL eyes?):
Also I found out that I like Papa Roach. A lot. I had heard OF them but not any of their music, it's pretty great. It was a pretty good concert, we got home at 11:30, poor Travis had to work the next day. But they were good seats, expensive t-shirt (for Jake, minus naked ladies), beer and soda. And they say Disney is expensive!
We celebrated the 4th on Saturday with bbq and Stacy's birthday party. It was a good time, and she liked the dress I, er I mean We got her.
Yesterday I met up with an old friend for lunch at Tia's. 2 hours later, Sean had enough of sitting in that high chair so we left. It was a nice time. I brought home salsa to go!
I signed up for a sewing 101 class tomorrow night. I had very good intentions to get some fabric and make myself some pants for work - simple elastic waist, straight legged. They came out ok, and I'm wearing them today. But when I tried to make the kids some pajama bottoms (with no pattern) I failed. They did fit Jake, but as soon as he sat on the floor... RRRRIIIIPPPP. Whoops. I'll try again once I learn some basics (and get a pattern). I think it will be fun.
And yesterday.... In the mail... I GOT PAID!!!!! ($ from the Crochet mag!) I am half way done with a pattern that I want to submit next week. It's a quickie but I've been hemming and hawing with it. Deadline's coming quick so I gotta get a move on.
Um, I guess that's it for now. More tomorrow.
1 comment:
Girl, have you never heard of Motley Crue before? If you know anything about them and what they're about, you shouldn't be surprised by what they "got away with." haha. well, I hope you enjoyed the concert overall. I'm just sad I couldn't go.
Rock On!
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