I got out the camera at bathtime, and I realized that my kid is a ham. Sean was starting to get fussy (yes, I'm telling the truth!) and I got out the camera and he smiled for it. How funny!
I also managed to get a pic of Jake doing his reading homework while I gave Sean a bath.
And when it was time to put jammies on, I saw this:
This is not peek-a-boo, its whiney crying eye rub. But, the flash perked him up! Crazy kid.
Anyway, I did manage to work a few rounds on the sock, but none on the mini sweater ornament. I also finished up the thing for the submission, and it is now in 6 very capable hands to help me figure out a name. At lunch today, I had brought the sock to work on, but I ended up doing the math for the different sizes. Have I told you lately that math gives me a headache? Ugh!
And speaking of math, it's year end again which means not only a long report to the stupid government on the stupid election campaign finance crap, but our office's year end audit. However, the office's year end audit means it's the beginning of bonus season. Love you bonuses!
So...How's your day been?
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