It's been really strange, this not crocheting thing. I have paid more attention and actually LOOKED at the tv while watching it. Usually I just listen to the tv. The diet has helped, and I've been good with not snacking when I'm not supposed to. Last night I did have a little falling down, when my flounder wasnt defrosted and it was already 7:30 and Jake was at his Mamaw's, so when Travis suggested going out I said ok. We went to Estellas and I had a #11 - a taco, a buritto and an enchilada. Oh, and a coke and a side of sour cream. I did not have a 4th meal (or the night before either), but I know that may have derailed the plan. We'll see in the next couple days - today is day 4 and I am at the same -3 that I was yesterday. And Damarys said today is a skinny day for me, so that's good, right?
Last night was open house at Jake's school. He got the teacher he wanted - Mrs. Ashmore, and she seemed really nice. There are 2 other Jacob's in his class - plus a bunch of his other friends so he's pleased. We took home a few books that need to be covered, and went over some of the agenda he will have. I'll put together a sample schedule soon so you can see, but he will be learning Spanish and computers and poetry along with his beloved math and dreaded penmenship. Oh, and it will be in cursive. Poor kid. School starts Monday, I'll be sure to take a First day of First Grade pic for you. Have a great weekend.
I didnt take any kid pics yesterday, but I did take a picture of the cloud factory:
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