To Jacob on the Occasion of your 6th Birthday. (even though I know you wont read this for a while, if ever)(everyone else, please bear with me)
You amaze me with your brilliance and humor and pretty blue eyes and eleventy million freckles (can I PLEASE connect the dots?). We love you very very much.
To celebrate this day, Travis Jake and I went to DisneyQuest for the day with a stop at House of Blues for lunch. Here's what it looked like (that's a virtual reality helmet on me and Jake) there's video too, but I dont have time to post it today. Maybe tomorrow:
And to backtrack, here's Fathers Day. Please notice the smile on Sean's face... he likes the pool now. And also, the makings of Leiber Knoedel - eewe!: 

And because I am not at all faithful to yarn projects, here is a list, in pictures, of what I am working on right this very minute:
The baby blanket (T minus 5.5 rounds to go!)
The forgotten sweater - I'm about 6 or 7 inches into the back
The Convention Shawl... and why I dont like it anymore
And the proof that I have no shame... the sock I started on the way to DisneyQuest.
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