Sunday, August 02, 2009

Happy Birthday Rere!!

Today is my Aunt Rere's birthday (I wont say which year because I'm nice like that).

Happy Birthday Aunt Rere, we love you and miss you so much!I hope you have a wonderful day!

I had such good intentions - I bought her a card and everything but with so much of a pain-fog with the broken arm I still have it sitting on my banister waiting to go to work with me. I bought it early too! Just so aggrivating.

Speaking of, I did something today to torque it and boy am I in some pain! I'm looking forward to after dinner when I can take a vocidin and let the pain go away. For the most part anyway. Tonight is the finale of Next Food Network Star and I'm really looking forward to that. This is the first year where either finalist could win and I'd be happy, however I am rooting a little more for Melissa since she's a "home cook" like me.

This is a yarn blog so I thought I'd add something yarn-related. I bought the yarn to finish the quilty babyghan, so that will be nice. I want to finish the Brainless socks first.

I didn't hear back from the editors on my Sweet Summertime baby top so now I am free to sell it elsewhere. I'm disappointed of course but I guess it is ok to not be monogomous in publishers sometimes. Wish me luck.

That's it for me. I hope you've had a great weekend.

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