I am almost finished with the center 4 12" blocks of the quilty babyghan. I had to pull out some stitches because I didn't think it was important to figure out how many stitches up it would be and just plugged along. Obviously I am a moron. So, as we were watching the moon landing on tv last night (I wasn't around for the first one and that was pretty cool that they did it real-time) I frogged and re-crocheted on the blanket. I didn't get as far as I frogged but maybe I'll work on it at lunchtime. I will also need to get some more yarn for the borders.
I have done a little more than half of the cuff of my 2nd Meida sock. I have 10 days to finish to qualify for a prize. Think I can do it? Yeah, me to. That is mostly what I've been working on at lunch.
I borrowed a library book last week called Crochet that Fits by Mary Jane Hall. I found 4 patterns that I want to do and I actually started one even though I have no business starting anything right now! It's a top for me out of Simply Soft. I had the yarn and the time (although 2 hours does not a sweater make... trust me) so I just dove right in. I love how it looks in my head, we'll have to see how it translates into real life.
And Why do I have no business starting anything? Let's look at the list of WIPs.
~Brainless socks: #1 is done and #2 is at the heel turn. This is what I bring with me when I don't want to worry about a pattern like doc visits and watching the kids swim.
~Meida socks: #1 is done and #2 is in the middle of the cuff (working down). This has a "Sometime in July" deadline which is quickly being eaten up. I don't really need the pattern for this until I get to the heel which hopefully will be tonight.
~Blue/White socks: #1 is done and I dont know where the yarn is for #2 which has not even been started. I did #1 during the cruise in May of '07. Languishing a bit? Right now it's decorating the bookshelf in my living room so it can torment me at every possible occasion.
~Sheldon: Sheldon's body is done. Sheldon has no shell (does that make him nekkid or homeless?). I have started Sheldon's shell twice and frogged it both times because it makes me feel like a knittard. Eventually I hope to have time to dedicate to it and have him finished. I'd also like to make him a couple "outfits".
~Cliffyghan: This has not had anything done on it in a long time. Not as long as the blue sock but close. It's just such a behemoth right now and I hate working on it. If he were a baby it'd be done by now!
~New top: This is worked long ways (each row is worked up/down and you keep making rows until it fits around my body then the shoulders are done. It will be put to the back of the list until I have more done and really do have time to work on it.
That's really it. Not terrible but not great either. I just finished testing a pattern for a Real Designer (it was a test to see if I am good enough at testing to test for real.) so that took some of my time. Back to the grind now until I hear from her to see if I get to make something for her. First on the list is the Meida socks, then the babyghan. Sounds good.
Here's Sean's new haircut. He says he's handsome. I agree.
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