I have finished Mom's jacket (Mom... no peeking). Thank you to Damarys for being my model. I love it, and I think it turned out swell.
I have also finished Kerry's scarf but I dont have a picture of it.
And I have done this to the sock:
Also in yarn news - I have finally submitted the proposal for the thing to that magazine (see how I am being all covert). Now I wait. I haven't heard back from the other magazine yet about the one I sent last month, but from what I understand these things take some time.
And speaking of submissions, I have this other idea I want to do, and I even bought the yarn for it (!) but twill have to wait unitl after the holidays - I have too much Christmas Knitting & Crocheting at the moment... although the list is getting shorter.
Done: Mom's jacket, Kerry's scarf, Grandma's socks 5/6 of the dishcloths for Jake & Sean's teachers, 2 sweaters for Hans & Kerry's girls.
Not done: 1/6 of the dishcloths for Jake & Sean's teachers, a sweater for Jasyline (but I have the yarn) & the chocolate coffee spoons for my co-workers (not yarn related but still to do). Not too bad, eh? Ok, moving on to last weekend.
Friday was Jason & Jonathan's art thing "Gala Corina". Me, my FIL and Travis loaded up and headed to the event while the MIL watched the kids. Along the way I saw this:
Can you see it? It says "Sign Broken See Inside 4 Info". Brilliant I thought!
Anyway, while we were there we saw these. Jason's wall, Jonathan's wall & my favorite piece:
A fun time was had, even though it was hot and stuffy. Saturday was the craft fair at Jakes school. It went well, and even though I only sold 4 things they added up well - I sold the
pillowghan, a babyghan just like this one, the Martha Poncho which I guess I didnt have a pic of (whoops) and a pair of booties. I think the babyghan lady will buy another one since she had a friend having a little boy - we'll see what happens with it. All in all, a good day.
Sunday, um, oh Bailey's birthday party. It was fun and Jake had fun and the Bucs won so yay!
This week is going slow - half the office is out at shows. Yesterday I went to Kohls and got Jake a Christmas gift and got myself 2 shirts. Then I went to the bookstore and returned the book I got on Halloween since I already read it and swapped it out for a different one. Let me tell you - the Janet Evanovitch "Plum" series is great. My Grandmother introduced me to this series and I have really fallen in love with it.
Um, that's it I suppose. Have a great day!
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