Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

5 days, 23 hours and 4 minutes to go....

hehehe. Sorry, but to me that wont get old! Lots of progress at Chez Chaos! I have pictures:

When I went to work on Friday, my garage looked like a garage - with stuff in it, and a ceiling and a concrete floor, etc. When I came home on Friday, it looked like this:

That's Dad talking to my other-mother Joanne. That is a sub-floor he's sitting on and that pile-o-stuff is, er, was my ceiling. I expected no ceiling, I did not expect a floor.

This morning it looked like this:

That is all framed, there's insulation on all the walls (except for where the garage door is but wont be for long), and insulation on the ceiling. that wall on the right there is the cubby that the freezer (on the left) will now live in. Where the freezer is currently is going to be a u-shaped bunch of shelves for... wait for it... YARN STORAGE!! :):):):):). That means that I can get rid of a dresser in my room and have use of parts of my closet floor! Imagine that! Moving on. Today they are sheetrocking the ceiling and starting on the walls. And the they that are doing it is my Dad, my husband, my father-in-law and Jake. Boy do I wish I could be there to capture the moment on film, er, memory card. Also today they will be picking up Jake's new dresser.

His old dresser is now:

In Sean's room as a changing table.

Mom came over on Saturday to paint the room, I really should have had a before picture so you could see how dark the blue was, but I forgot.

This is the after. Here is a closeup:

It's got this linen type texture to it which feels really neat. It definatly tones down that blue which is a very good thing! Next up is to put the crib together, get the curtains from my MIL's house and get those up, plus wash a few more things. We fished the baby carseat out of the in-laws attic (whew, I was worried there a minute that someone had gotten rid of it), I need to wash the cover on that, plus the new boppy covers, bouncy seat cover, etc.

Tonight I shall move Jake's clothes to the new dresser, put the stepstool in there (the underwear and sock drawers are too high) and start putting some of Sean's clothes away. I need to get diapers and a diaper genie refill thing from the in-laws (can you tell their house is storage central?), and get them set and in place. I have already washed all the bottles and put them away, we have some formula all ready. I have the diaper bag together, and my hospital bag is in the trunk. Would you like to know the problem with my hospital bag?

Let me show you in pictures:


= Need to find something else for him to come home in.

Speaking of weird weather... IN JANUARY(!!), this is my peach tree:

It's not supposed to have flowers until February. It's a little confused.

I'm making good progress on Stacy's sweater. Here's the back all done:

And I'm about 6 inches up on the front. I really hope that I can get it done before Sean comes... because Stacy needs such a nice warm sweater for the arctic air we're having - right?
Anyway, that's it for now. OH, babyville: 38 wks LMP, Sean weighs 6.80 lbs or 3083 grams and is 19.61 inches or 49.8 cm long. He might begin to drop farther towards the cervix and I'll be able to walk easier but have to go potty more often (yeah, except it is more difficult now to walk then before AND I have to go potty more. Oh well... Only 5 days 22 hours and 6 minutes to go.)

1 comment:

Tracie said...

That sweater set I gave you should work....it's not too warm. :)