Ok, Ok and no. But, I enjoyed that people loved the things I gave them. Let's see, shall we?
Mom wearing her new sweater. And it fits. And she was suprised. Sorry for the quality but I forgot my camera and had to use my phone. Yay technology.

Jason with his new Bob Ross shirt. I had actually gotten this as an almost gag gift but he really does like it. We'll see if we ever actually see him wearing it - that will be the real test!
Jake wearing his nifty new hat next to Jon (Stacy's brother) wearing his nifty new hat. Both love them. You cant see the cables but they are there. And I think they are right. They look right anyway!
This is Marley - Jason and Stacy's new puppy.
This was Marley's Christmas gift about 30 minutes after he got it. Taste great AND less filling!
Jake got lots of cool stuff - A game boy, the blue man group key board thing and a new Hot Rod calendar.
Can you guess what his favorite was? The gameboy.
My Dad gets here tomorrow to start work on the garage/into/den project. The baby's room is pretty much empty, now I gotta clean the carpets, paint the walls, get the baby stuff out of the attic and all that fun stuff. Good times.
Went to the doc yesterday. I'm up 15 pounds, my iron was great and my cervix is closed. All very good things.
Babyville the extended mix: Baby grows over 1/2 ounce of fat per day now. Dont be surprised if you (er, me) gain a pound a week at this point. Breathing may become more difficult as Sean grows and gives my lungs less room to expand. I'll be able to breathe more easily once he drops down agains the cervix in preparation for labor. 37 wks LMP - Earliest date of a full term birth: Get ready! Sean's lungs are ready. He weigs 6.30 lbs or 2859 grams and is 19.13 inches or 48.6 cm long.
T-13 and counting.
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