Saturday night was the Disney Christmas party, and it was fun, but long. They had some, um, interesting entertainment. Picture the Pussycat Dolls mixed with Cirque du Soliel. Travis has pics, but I havent gotten them yet from his camera. He also has the pic of me in my fancyschmancy dress. I'll post them when I have them. So home at 11. And up at...
Butt crack of before dawn, aka 4:30. I got up and dressed, and over to the craft fair a little after 6. Dani was already there, and Tra and Kerry were on the way. Kerry showed up wearing the berry hat I made her, which is also what Dani is wearing in her myspace pic, which is terribly ironic.... especially since this is the first time these 2 have met. They were both convinced that the other one didnt exist! It reminded me of that M&M commercial where the M&M's meet santa! Here's a pic of them...
The booth across from us was occupied by Jesus, well he looked like he could play Jesus convincingly in a film. Then we noticed that he and the lady who was working the booth with him seemed a little, uh, cozy? Jesus looks to be maybe 18, but the lady's face looked in it's 30's while her neck looked in it's 50's... we guess she had help with the face part. Just a guess. Here is what we looked at all day...
It kept creeping me out to see them like this. I mean, really! Moving on.
Gnombert enjoyed himself a great deal!
I got a new knit book from Zooba yesterday. It's this one and I love it. There are so many projects in here that I would like to attempt!
Like this one:
And this one but all in one color:
Or this one:
Decisions, decisions! Although, that looks like some Real Knitting. I will NOT let the pointy sticks defeat me!
Babyville: 35 wks LMP. Sean weighs 5.25 pounds or 2383 grams and is 18.19 inches or 46.2 cm long. He is almost completly formed now.
Since Sean is still, sadly, roomless I have been having some major anxiety that he will be coming early. One of the blogs I read is - and she is, er was, about the same amount pregnant as me. Lets see - she was 34.3 on Saturday, I was 34.6 on Saturday. Well her water broke on Thursday, she delivered her little one on Saturday. Go see, he's adorable. Go ahead, I'll wait. So, because her water broke that's been added to my panic. Fantastic. So now we're up to delivering in the bathroom when I go, um, the second one; crashing my car during my contractions and now my water breaking. Welcome to my neuroseeeees. However, my Dad is coming on 12/27 to start on the garage on 12/28 and I am praying REALLY hard that Sean can hold on a bit longer. Yes, I am not fond of the contractions or heartburn or waddling or not being very lady-like when I have to pick something up off the floor, I am MORE wanting to have an actual place for Sean to sleep when he does arrive, so he can stay where he is... where I can keep an eye on him!
Doc appt tomorrow morning, I hope he does a pelvic (oh, the irony) just to make sure I havent dilated from any of these contractions. That's it for now.
1 comment:
"Doc appt tomorrow morning, I hope he does a pelvic "
LOL! Sorry, that's just damned funny!
Love the berry head pics! And the pic of Jesus and Mary Magdalene is GREAT!
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