Number 1 - I sent off my application to the Associate Professional program to the CGOA. I had to write a letter talking about what I've done and what I expect to do in the next couple years. It was like a self-proclaimed ego trip. It was odd. SO, that is in the mail and hopefully I'll hear back from them soon.
In doing that little exercise I've come to some conclusions about what I'd actually like to do in my designing. I would like to offer projects with both crochet and knit patterns to go along with it. Take for example the twins' quilts. I have almost finished crocheting one in pink and cream, in which only 1 seam has to be, uh, seamed. 12 measly inches of whipstitch. For a kinda-quilt. That makes me happy because I HATE seaming. A lot. I have been playing with this for a while, and since Kaitlyn's overtaken my life I haven't worked on it but I will soon. It is the closest thing to a finished design I have right now. I also think it would would look awesome knitted up, where you could offer different textures for corners instead of just different colors. So that will be next up. It will take a while to actually DO the knitting but I think the design/pattern will come out easily.
I have 2 sweaters, a hat, purse and little eyemask thing that I want to do the same thing with. Yeah, the design muse has been beating me over the head lately. I am just itching to finish with Kait so I can swatch. I have vowed not to do anything else until she's done so I'm trying to boogie. (I am trying to put together some squares for a comfortghan but that isn't being counted right now since my total is 1.5 squares. Not enough to think about being a ghan.)
Number 2 - today is my review day for my real job. I hate review day.
Number 3 - Travis' Grandma has surgery on Thursday - she's who the ghan is for. It's kinda freaking me out.
And finally, I have decided on a new name for my Design Business - Hook 'N Stick Designs. I've created a blog for it - - it's just starting out but thats where I'll put design stuff as it comes out, and keep this one for regular life and crochet stuff. That's it for now, have a great day!
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